Why Do Dogs Like Air Blowing In Their Face. Licking releases pleasurable endorphins which gives Dogs a feeling of comfort and pleasure like the feeling people. Hit the blunt and chill. In the dog world puffing cheeks which takes place when dogs exhale air causing their cheeks to puff out can signify an impending attack. My mini Dachshund always tries to stick his head out the car window.
I mean if everytime you spark some good and your dog comes trotting along he probably likes it. The same dogs that stick their heads out the car window at 55 mph will shake their heads and nip when air is blown lightly in the dogs face. In fact when a dog gets in another dogs face it is usually an act of aggression. The higher gasses and lower cause differences in air pressure and that ground air rushs from high-pressure areas to lower ones. Unlike humans dogs are unable to blow air from their mouths so it comes as a surprise to them when we do it which makes them likely to react in a manner which seems to turn into a growl. Dogs go crazy when you blow in their face because they basically just dont like it.
My mini Dachshund always tries to stick his head out the car window.
Why do dogs lick the air that you blow at them. This is them warning you to stop as it is incredibly unpleasant for them. I try to blow his face gently and ask for kisses on the face as I hope that he can understand and get used to this and not hurt anyone unintentionally later just imagine a kid suddenly doing it. Weve all done this at one point or at least Id like to think so. Why exactly do they like to do this. They do not expect a sudden gust if air to come from a person into their face and up their nose.